Protected: FLL Robot Game Structure Building Best Practice
Protected: FLL Robot Game Coding Pattern and Best Practice
Protected: FLL Team #42177 Parents Meeting 20191030
ECA Phase I Week 4 201901: Sweeper
Did you watch how the sweeper do some cleaning? It is really a good example of gear combination. This class is to help us to understand what is:
- Driving Gear
- Driven Gear
How do the different sized gears affect the sweeper’s performance?
The class was run smoothly. Wesley made a good construction. The sweeper uses 2 same sized gears. Students found sweeping work performs different if the different gear combination is employed.
I really suggested our students to try the bigger driving gear + the smaller driven gear, it shows a powerful work.
Good luck!
ECA Phase I Week 3 201901: Hammer
We learn friction via experimenting on Hammer-Hit-Needle. This is an excellent experiment to watch different gears with axles have different friction.
Feeling the friction by pulling the axle out of the gear, ranking them by the force we used; then use the experiment Hammer-Hit-Needle to verify if what we felt is exactly same or not.
The class goes smoothly and kids cooperate with each other. Team spirit is always the key to win!
ECA Phase I Week 2 201901: Balance
Students are expecting to build a beam balance, to understand what is arm length, fulcrum, weight, and know how to keep the balance by not only adding/taking weight, but also adjusting the arm length (the distance between the point where the weight is hung).
Students’ construction part is running pretty well. The experiment is lead by Sophia and Raymond, they explained the whole process of the experiment. That is how Play2Learn Education encourage kids play together.
ECA Phase I Week 1 201901: Power Car
We started Play2Learn Education Winter session 2019 on Jan 9th, 2019. Before the class, the teacher received the Thank you Card from ECA staff, for our continued support to build a knowledgeable, fun to learn program in ECA in the past 3 years. We felt proud of the achievement for the past years, and yes, we do continue our excellent service to kids around and welcome all of you guys join us!
The topic for today is about power. We build power car with the motor and the battery. The power generated in the battery go through the motor and gear combination transport to the motion. We use this model to understand the different mode of the power. We also figure out how many factors affecting the car’s speed, for example, the gear combination, the size of wheels, the friction in the structure, the battery itself.
Students felt excited when facing the model in the first time. The inspiring time makes those kids think more about how to make the car running faster.
We will meet again in the next week. Let’s talk about scientific measurement in the next time!
#hourofcode in Play2Learn Education
The Hour of Code is a global movement reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries. Anyone, anywhere can organize an Hour of Code event. No experience needed. Ages 4 to 104.
On March 14, 2018, the first #hourofcode event was lead by Mr. Amir in Play2Learn Education Edgemont Community Classroom. There were over 30 kids involved in this one hour coding activities. We can see how kids love coding and learning programming.
Hour of Code: March 14, 2018 Edgemont Free Workshop
Play2Learn Education is glad to present:
Event: Hour of Code
When: March 14, 2018 7:30 PM
Where: Edgemont Community Association
Free Coding Workshop
Grade 4+ welcome
Please email: for registration before March 12th, 2018