Communication ECA Phase 1 Class 7: Fishing Rod 20191023

Square lake Lego fishing!!! Last class we built a working fishing rod with a lego fish to go with. The rod had a crank to control the ropes movement and had a safety mechanism using a gear and a lever to stop the fish swimming away if the crank was released. This insured maximum control on our fishing voyage! The fish was built out of long beams and odd shaped pieces. Although there was no moving parts with the fish the angles the class were using in the build made a complex and challenging build. Everyone did a great job completing their fishing rods and had a lot of fun trying to catch some fish!!! Next week everyone should be excited for the opportunity to have some choice in the build they do! Being our last class i look forward to seeing which build the class will choose and how they’ll customize they’re builds to make it their own!

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